Intellectual Stimulation in Utero Should Be One of the Most Important Concerns
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Published: 19 July 2024 | Article Type : Research ArticleAbstract
In utero, the maturation of the brain begins very early with the establishment of connections between neurons. The synapses, which will define the baby’s intellectual potential, unfortunately receive little stimulation in utero. If we put more of a strain on the brain, the number of synapses increases. In addition, with the very rapid development of the brain, several sensory functions are already available to receive information. Numerous reports indicate that babies in utero recognize and memorize emotions and may be conscious. This aims of this paper is to present the meaning of intellectual stimulation, which in fact begins before birth, and how to stimulate babies in utero by different methods: direct and indirect. Since pregnant women emotions can have an impact on babies’ intellectual stimulation, all means to increase these emotions may be advised. Aside sound stimulation, haptonomy and different activities like working on the mother’s memory through certain intellectual activities such as reading, painting, or embroidery, according to mother’s abilities and possibilities, but more complicated or difficult, that require additional mental effort. Intellectual stimulation at the earliest stages of life should be one of the most important concerns of health professionals in maternity and neonatology. It should be as well a fundamental problem of states and international organizations in the field of human health and well-being, in the so-called well-being of MAN, as well as in education.
Keywords: Fetus, Intellectual Stimulation, Emotions, Conscience, Chromosome, Sounds, Touching.

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Research Article
How to Cite
Zygmunt Leonidas Ostrowski. (2024-07-19). "Intellectual Stimulation in Utero Should Be One of the Most Important Concerns." *Volume 7*, 1, 6-12